Welcome to Docedex

Taking control of hospital administrative management is just a few keystrokes away!

Docedex is a desktop application built for medical administrative assistants to manage doctors and patients within clinics.

Here’s an overview of how Docedex can help you streamline your hospital management processes.

  • Store and edit information about your patients and doctors
  • Track the status of your patients and doctors
  • Assign patients to doctors upon triaging

On top of these functionalities, we believe that patient management must be efficient. Therefore, Docedex is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you type fast, Docedex can get your hospital management tasks done faster than current GUI apps in the industry.

If you are new here, visit our quick start guide to onboard onto Docedex smoothly!

Table of Contents

Quick start

  1. Make sure that you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest jar file (docedex.jar) from our Github Releases. DownloadDocedex
  3. Move the jar file to a folder where you want to store the data of the doctors and patients.
    • Create a new folder called (you can name it Docedex) where you would like to house the application (e.g., Desktop, Documents, etc.).
    • Move the downloaded jar file to this folder as shown below.
      • For Mac Users: DownloadDocedexMac

      • For Windows Users: DownloadDocedexWindows
  4. Launch Docedex
    • For Mac Users:
      • Open a new Terminal window (Command + Space > type Terminal > Enter).
      • Navigate to the folder where you have stored the jar file using the cd command.
    • For example, if you have stored the jar file in a folder called Docedex, you can type cd Docedex and press Enter. - Type java -jar docedex.jar and press Enter.
WARNING TO ALL MAC USERS Performing these instructions may result in non-deterministic behaviour of data loading in Docedex. This was tested on multiple MacOS Systems:

- Right-click docedex.jar > Open With > JavaLauncher.app - First time users may be prompted with a warning that the file was downloaded from the Internet. Simply click Open in the prompt to continue.
  • For Windows Users:
    • Double-click docedex.jar to launch the application.
  • If this still does not work follow the instructions listed here.
  • You should notice the GUI of the application pop up.
    1. Learn more about navigating the GUI here.
    2. For new users, learn to use Docedex here.
    3. For advanced users, view all feature details here.

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Here are some descriptions of the words we use throughout the User Guide:

Term Definition
Parameter Parameters are like fields in a form you are required to fill up. They include details you would include about the doctor/patient.
Command An input from the user that tells Docedex to perform an action (ie. add a doctor).
GUI Graphical User Interface (GUI) represents the visual display of Docedex that users can see.
GUI component A subsection of the Graphical User Interface. For more information on specific GUI components, refer to this section.
CLI Command Line Interface (CLI) represents a text-based user interface to interact with the application.

Parameter Information

The information below specifies parameter description, constraints and usage through valid and invalid examples.

Common Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
n/ Name of the doctor/patient Alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9) Will Hunting, Elizabeth 2 成龍, 潔 いさぎ 世 よ 一 いち, Ganesh s/o Ravichandran
e/ Email of the doctor/patient Email prefix: Alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9), @, Email Domain whunting@gmail.com, eliz2@mit.edu whunting@, eliz2
p/ Phone number of the doctor/patient Positive integer with 3 or more digits 999, 94565625 0, -1
t/ Tags (optional parameter) Single string of characters not separated by any whitespace pendingReview, recurrentProblem N/A
INDEX* Index in doctors/patients list Positive integer less than or equal to 2147483649 1, 2147483647 -1, 2147483649

*Index is prefaced by doc/ and ptn/ in the commands assign-ptn and unassign-ptn

Doctor Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
s/ Specialty of the doctor Alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, 1 to 9) Cardiology, Neurology N/A (45 specialties are recognized in Singapore)
y/ Years of experience Positive integer between 0 and 99. 0, 99 -1, 100

Patient Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
h/ Height of the patient in metres (m) 3-digit number with 2 decimal places representing patient’s height in metres 1.63, 1.99 1, 1.2, 1.234
w/ Weight of the patient in kilograms (kg) Number with an optional 1 decimal place representing patient’s weight in kg 85.0, 63.2 -85, 63.20
d/ Diagnosis Alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9) Fever, Cancer 发烧
st/ Status Can only take one of the following values: Inpatient, Outpatient, Observation, Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, Transitional Care Inpatient, Outpatient Baymax, HelloWorld

Command format

Format Explanation Examples
Words in UPPER_CASE These are parameter values that are supplied by the user add-doc n/NAME... can be used as add-doc n/John Doe...
Items in square brackets These are optional parameters (can be left empty by user) add-doc n/NAME ... [t/TAG] can be used as add-doc n/John Doe t/friend or add-doc n/John Doe
Items with ​ after them These are parameters that can be used multiple times (or omitted completely) add-doc ... [t/TAG]…​ can be used as add-doc ... t/friend t/surgeon or add-doc ...
Parameters can be in any order. N/A add-doc n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER ... is equivalent to add-doc p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME
If a parameter is expected only once and entered multiple times, only the latest occurrence is accepted. N/A add-doc n/John Doe n/Shawn Koh ... is equivalent to add-doc n/Shawn Koh ...
Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters will be ignored. N/A help 123, list 123 is equivalent to help or list

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Command Summary

Command Shorthand What it does
add-doc / add-ptn ad / ap Adds a doctor or patient into Docedex.
edit-doc / edit-ptn ed / ep Edits the specified doctor or patient.
del-doc / del-ptn dd / dp Removes the specified doctor or patient from Docedex. This action cannot be undone.
find-doc / find-ptn fd / fp Finds the doctor(s) and patient(s) which matches the search query.
list-doc / list-ptn lsd / lsp Lists all doctors or patients.
assign-ptn asn Assigns a patient to a doctor.
unassign-ptn uasn Unassigns a patient from a doctor.
sd / sp sd / sp Selects the specified doctor or patient and displays the person’s information on the GUI.
help N/A Displays the link to the User Guide.
clear N/A Clears all entries from Docedex. This action cannot be undone.
exit N/A Exits the application (equivalent to closing the application).

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Docedex comes with a GUI to allow for a nice visual feedback for our users. Here is a quick runthrough of the different sections of our GUI, as well as some notes regarding the use of the GUI.

Quick Orientation


Here is a quick summary of each GUI component within Docedex.

Name of component Description
Menu Bar Contains dropdown menu options for the Docedex application.
Command Box Allows users to enter Docedex commands.
Result Display Provides CLI-based feedback upon a user command.
Allows users to see if their command was successful or not.
Provides error messages to guide user on how to use Docedex commands.
Doctor List Shows a list of Doctor Cards. This list can be manipulated through commands.

Upon starting the app, this list will reflect all doctors in Docedex.

Upon selection of a Patient Card, this list will filter to show doctors assigned to said patient.
Doctor Card Displays key information about a doctor, such as name, phone number, email and tags.
Patient List Shows a list of Patient Cards. This list can be manipulated through commands.

Upon starting the app, this list will reflect all patients in Docedex.

Upon selection of a Doctor Card, this list will filter to show patients assigned to said doctor.
Patient Card Displays key information about a patient, such as name, phone number, email and tags.
Information Card Displays all information about a selected doctor or patient.
Footer Shows the location of the Docedex storage.

Notes about the GUI

Selecting doctors or patients through commands

Certain commands involve the selection of doctors and patients immediately after they are entered.

For example, when you type in the add-doc command, Docedex will automatically select the newly added doctor and display their details to you. This gives the user (you!) a nice visual feedback that the command is successful.

Upon selecting a doctor, the Patient List displays the patients assigned to the selected doctor. However, if the doctor is newly added, said doctor will have no patients, and thus the Patient List will be empty.

This behaviour will also exist if the user adds a patient instead too.

:exclamation: Some users have mentioned being alarmed by sudden disappearances of their Doctor Cards and Patient Cards within their respective lists after entering certain commands. The explainer above details why this happens.

Fret not, as this is part of the functionality of Docedex.

Your storage is still secure.

Unselecting doctors or patients

Unselecting doctors and patients is currently not supported in Docedex. If you wish to look through all the doctors and patients in Docedex, please use the list-doc and list-ptn commands instead.

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Notes about the command format

Notes Explanation Examples
Words in UPPER_CASE These are parameter values that are supplied by the user add-doc n/NAME... can be used as add-doc n/John Doe...
Items in square brackets These are optional parameters (can be left empty by user) add-doc n/NAME ... [t/TAG] can be used as add-doc n/John Doe t/friend or add-doc n/John Doe
Items with ​ after them These are parameters that can be used multiple times (or omitted completely) add-doc ... [t/TAG]…​ can be used as add-doc ... t/friend t/surgeon or add-doc ...
Parameters can be in any order. N/A add-doc n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER ... is equivalent to add-doc p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME
If a parameter is expected only once and entered multiple times, only the latest occurrence is accepted. N/A add-doc n/John Doe n/Shawn Koh ... is equivalent to add-doc n/Shawn Koh ...
Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters will be ignored. N/A help 123, list 123 is equivalent to help or list

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Command Summary

Command Shorthand What it does
add-doc / add-ptn ad / ap Adds a doctor or patient into Docedex.
edit-doc / edit-ptn ed / ep Edits the specified doctor or patient.
del-doc / del-ptn dd / dp Removes the specified doctor or patient from Docedex. This action cannot be undone.
find-doc / find-ptn fd / fp Finds the doctor(s) and patient(s) which matches the search query.
list-doc / list-ptn lsd / lsp Lists all doctors or patients.
assign-ptn asn Assigns a patient to a doctor.
unassign-ptn uasn Unassigns a patient from a doctor.
sd / sp sd / sp Selects the specified doctor or patient and displays the person’s information on the GUI.
help N/A Displays the link to the User Guide.
clear N/A Clears all entries from Docedex. This action cannot be undone.
exit N/A Exits the application (equivalent to closing the application).

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Docedex Tutorial (for new users)

This is a tutorial for first-time Docedex users.

  1. Launch Docedex. You may refer to the instructions here
    • Note: On launch, Docedex will not contain any doctor or patient records.
  2. Let us try adding a doctor to our Docedex. Enter the command add-doc n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com s/Cardiology y/5 t/surgeon in the command box.
    • Note: On adding a new doctor, the patients’ list is filtered to show only patients associated with the doctor. To view all patient records, simply type list-ptn in the command box. AddDoc
  3. Let us try adding a patient to our Docedex. Enter the command add-ptn n/Patrick Bateman p/85167604 e/psigma@gmail.com h/1.88 w/80.5 d/Rhinitis st/Outpatient r/Dust allergy t/pendingReview in the command box.
    • Note: On adding a new patient, the doctors’ list is filtered to show only doctors associated with the patient. To view all doctor records, simply type list-doc in the command box. AddPtn
  4. Add a few more doctors and patients to Docedex!
  5. Let us try assigning the patient to the doctor. Enter the command assign-ptn ptn/1 doc/1 in the command box.
    • Note: On assigning a patient to a doctor, the doctors’ list is filtered to show only doctors associated with the patient. To view all doctor records, simply type list-doc in the command box. AssignPtn
  6. Let us try selecting the doctor. Enter the command sd 1 in the command box.
    • Note: On selecting the doctor, the patients’ list is filtered to display only patients associated with the doctor. To view all patients use list-ptn. SelectDoctor
  7. Let us try selecting the patient. Enter the command sp 1 in the command box. This time, the doctors’ list is filtered instead.
    • Note: On selecting the patient, the doctors’ list is filtered to display only patients associated with the patient. To view all doctors use list-doc.
  8. Let us try undoing the assignment of the patient from the doctor. Enter the command unassign-ptn ptn/1 doc/1 in the command box. UnassignPtn
  9. Let us try finding a doctor named John. Enter the command find-doc n/John in the command box.
  10. Let us try finding a patient with the name Patrick. Enter find-ptn n/Patrick in the command box.
  11. Let us try deleting a doctor from Docedex. Enter the command del-doc 1 in the command box. This removes the first displayed doctor in the doctors’ list.
  12. Let us try deleting a patient from Docedex. Enter the command del-ptn 1 in the command box. This removes the first displayed patient in the patients’ list.
  13. Let us try listing all doctors. Enter the command list-doc in the command box. This lists all the doctors within Docedex.
  14. Let us try listing all patients. Enter the command list-ptn in the command box. This lists all the patients within Docedex.
  15. Congratulations! You are now ready to use Docedex.

To view all our features, you may visit our features section.

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Doctor Commands

Adding a doctor


  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: Adds a new doctor to the doctors list and filters the patients’ list to display only associate patients.
  • Possible use cases: A new doctor has joined your department/you are setting Docedex up for the first time.

  • Examples:
    • add-doc n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com s/Cardiology y/5 t/surgeon
    • add-doc n/Gabriel Tan p/98765432 e/gabt@example.com s/Neurosurgery y/5
Adding doctor command, also calls select doctor to display the recently added information in the Enlarged Contact Card. If no patients appear in the patients list, it is because none have been assigned to the doctor. For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Editing a doctor

edit-doc INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [s/SPECIALTY] [y/YOE] [t/TAGS]…

  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: Edits the doctor at the specified INDEX using any specified parameters as the new value.
  • Possible use cases: Updating contact information of a doctor.
WARNING: This command overwrites existing data within Docedex, proceed with caution.
  • Note to users:
    • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list.
    • Users can edit specific doctors in the clinic by providing at least one of the optional parameters. Specified parameters will be updated to the input values and all other parameter values will remain the same.
    • At least one of the optional parameters must be provided.
    • When editing tags, you have to include any previous tags that was already included in the doctor, or else these tags will be removed. This also means that you can use t/ to remove all tags from a doctor using the edit-doc command.
  • Examples:
    • edit-doc 1 p/91234567 Edits the phone number of the 1st doctor to be 91234567.
    • edit-doc 2 n/Gabriel Tan p/12345678 t/ Edits the name and phone number of the 2nd doctor to be Gabriel Tan and 91234567 respectively. Adding t/ also clears all existing tags.
Edit doctor command, also calls select doctor to display the recently updated information in the Enlarged Contact Card. If no patients appear in the patients list, it is because none have been assigned to the doctor. For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Deleting a doctor

del-doc INDEX

  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: Deletes the specified doctor from the address book.
WARNING: This command is destructive. Doctor’s removed will need to be added back.
  • Note to user:
    • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list. If the doctor you wish to delete is not shown on the doctor’s list, you can try using list-doc to list out all the doctors first.


  • list-doc followed by del-doc 2 deletes the 2nd doctor in the address book.
  • find-doc Gabriel followed by del-doc 1 deletes the 1st doctor in the results of the find-doc command.

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Finding a doctor


  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: Find doctors with specified parameter value
  • Possible use cases: Retrieval of doctor records
  • Note to user:
    • Matches are case-insensitive.
    • Parameters are matched if they contain the search value (if there are two doctors named Gabriel and Gabriella in Docedex, using the command with search value n/Gabriel retrieves both records).
    • At least one of the parameters must be provided.
    • More than one tag can be provided.
    • Blank parameters will be ignored.
    • Please follow the parameter constraints closely, or you will not retrieve any doctors.
  • Examples:
    • find-doc n/Gabriel matches any doctor with the name containing the string Gabriel.
    • find-doc n/Gabriel t/friend t/expert matches any doctor with the name containing the string Gabriel and has tags friend and expert.
    • find-doc y/3 matches any doctor that has the number 3 in their years of experience, i.e. 3,30,23 will be matched but 5 and 10 will not be matched.
    • find-doc n/@#$! will not return any doctors because the search query for name does not follow the constraints for the name parameter.

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Select doctor


  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: This command mimics a mouse click on a doctor’s contact card. It shows the information of the doctor and filters the patients’ list to only show assigned patients.
  • Possible use cases: Find which patients were treated by a doctor
  • Note to user:
    • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list.
Selecting doctor command displays only the recently queried doctor’s information in the Enlarged Contact Card. If no patients appear in the patients list, it is because none have been assigned to the doctor. For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Listing all doctors


  • Possible use cases: Retrieval of all doctors in Docedex after commands involving selection.
  • What it does: Lists all doctors in Docedex.

For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Patient Commands

Adding a patient


  • To view parameter information click here
  • Possible use cases: Adding a new patient visiting a clinic to the address book.
  • What it does: Adds a new patient to the patients’ list and filters the doctors’ list to show only associated doctors.

  • Examples:
    • add-ptn n/Patrick Bateman p/85167604 e/psigma@gmail.com h/1.88 w/80.5 d/Rhinitis st/Outpatient r/Dust allergy t/brother
    • add-ptn n/Patrick Bateman p/85167604 e/psigma@gmail.com h/1.88 w/80.5 d/Rhinitis st/Outpatient
Adding patient command, also calls select patient to display the recently added information in the Enlarged Contact Card. If no doctors appear in the doctors list, it is because the patient has not been assigned to any doctor. For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Assigning a patient to a doctor


  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: Performs an assignment operation and filters the doctors’ list to show only the doctors associated with the patient.
  • Possible use cases: Assigning a newly arrived patient to an available doctor.
  • Examples:
    • assign-ptn ptn/1 doc/1 assigns the first patient to the first doctor.
Assign patient command, also calls select patient to display the recently added information in the Enlarged Contact Card. The doctors that appear in the doctors list, are those that the patient has been assigned to. For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Undoing assignment of a patient from a doctor

unassign-ptn ptn/PATIENT_INDEX doc/DOCTOR_INDEX

  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: Undoes the assignment of a patient from a doctor. Filters the doctors list to highlight only doctors associated with the patient.
  • Possible use cases: Transferring a patient’s case from one doctor to another
  • Examples:
    • unassign-ptn ptn/1 doc/1 undoes the assignment of the first patient from the first doctor.
Unassign (undo assignment) patient command, also calls select patient to display the recently added information in the Enlarged Contact Card. The doctors that appear in the doctors list, are those that the patient has been assigned to (if no doctors are displayed, the patient is assigned to no doctors). For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Editing a patient

edit-ptn [INDEX] [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [h/HEIGHT] [w/WEIGHT] [d/DIAGNOSIS] [st/STATUS] [r/REMARK] [t/TAGS]…

  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: Edits the patient at the specified INDEX.
WARNING: This command overwrites existing data within Docedex, proceed with caution.
  • Note to users:
    • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.
    • Users can edit specific patients in the clinic by providing at least one of the optional parameters. Specified parameters will be updated to the input values and all other parameter values will remain the same.
    • At least one of the optional parameters must be provided.
    • When editing tags, you have to include any previous tags that was already included in the patient, or else these tags will be removed. This also means that you can use t/ to remove all tags from a doctor using the edit-doc command.
  • Examples:
    • edit-ptn 1 n/Daenerys Targaryen Edits the name of the 1st patient to be Daenerys Targaryen.
    • edit-ptn 2 n/Daenerys Targaryen st/Inpatient t/ Edits the name and status of the 2nd patient to be Daenerys Targaryen and Inpatient respectively. Adding t/ also clears all existing tags.
Edit patient command, also calls select patient to display the recently updated information in the Enlarged Contact Card. The doctors that appear in the doctors list, are those that the patient has been assigned to (if no doctors are displayed, the patient has not been assigned to any doctor).
For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Deleting a patient

  • Command format: del-ptn INDEX
  • What it does: Deletes the specified patient from the address book.
WARNING: This command is destructive. Patients removed will need to be added back.
  • Note to user:
    • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.


  • list-ptn followed by del-ptn 2 deletes the 2nd patient in the address book.
  • find-ptn Gabriel followed by del-ptn 1 deletes the 1st patient in the results of the find-ptn command.

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Finding a patient

find-ptn [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [h/HEIGHT] [w/WEIGHT] [d/DIAGNOSIS] [st/STATUS] [r/REMARK] [t/TAGS]…

  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: Find patients with specified parameter value
  • Possible use cases: Retrieval of patient records
  • Note to user:
    • Matches are case-insensitive.
    • Parameters are matched if they contain the search value (if there are two patients named Gabriel and Gabriella in Docedex, using the command with search value n/Gabriel retrieves both records).
    • At least one of the parameters must be provided.
    • More than one tag can be provided.
    • Blank parameters will be ignored.
    • Please follow the parameter constraints closely, or you will not retrieve any patients.
  • Examples:
    • find-ptn n/Alice matches any patient with the name containing the string Alice.
    • find-ptn h/1 match any patient with the height containing the string 1, i.e. 1.70 and 0.91 will be matched but 0.99 and 2.00 will not be matched.

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Select patient


  • To view parameter information click here
  • What it does: This command mimics a mouse click on a patient’s contact card. It shows the information of the patient and filters the doctors’ list to only show assigned doctors.
  • Possible use cases: Find which doctors treated a patient
  • Note to user:
    • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.
Selecting patient command only displays the recently queried patients’ information in the Enlarged Contact Card. If no doctors appear in the doctors list, it is because the patient has not been assigned to any doctor. For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Listing all patients


  • Possible use cases: Retrieval of all patients in Docedex after commands involving selection.
  • What it does: Lists all patients in Docedex.

For more information see: Selecting doctors or patients through commands

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Common Commands

Viewing help

  • Command format: help
  • What it does: Shows a message explaining how to access this help page.

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Exiting the program

  • Command format: exit
  • What it does: This command is equivalent to closing the application (exits the program).

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Clearing all data

  • Command format: clear
  • What it does: This command will clear all data in Docedex.
WARNING - This command will clear all data in Docedex. This includes all doctors and patients. - This command cannot be undone.

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Saving the data

Docedex data is saved automatically after any command that changes data. There is no need to save manually.

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Editing the data file

Docedex data is saved as a JSON file at this specified path: [JAR file location]/data/docedex.json.

DO NOT modify data directly, as it might result in the malfunction of the application. In the worst case scenario, all your data may be reset. Only modify data directly if you know what you are doing and accept the risks of such actions.

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Launching Docedex

Q: How can I launch docedex if the clicking on the JAR file does not work?
A: There are two possible methods to launch Docedex.

Method 1: For users familiar with the command prompt

  1. Open the command prompt
  2. Navigate to the directory where the JAR file is located using cd [JAR file location]
  3. Type java -jar docedex.jar and press enter
  4. Docedex should launch

Method 2: For users that wish to create a script to launch Docedex (Recommended)

  1. Create a new text file
  2. Copy and paste the following into the text file:
    java -jar [JAR file location]/docedex.jar
  3. Save the text file as docedex.bat (Windows) or docedex.sh (MacOS/Linux)
  4. Change the admin settings of the script to allow it to run as a program:
    1. Windows: Right-click on the script and select Properties. Under General, check the box that says Allow this file to run as a program.
    2. MacOS/Linux: Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where the script is located. Type chmod +x [script name] and press enter. (chmod +x changes permissions of the script to allow it to be executed.)
  5. Double-click on the script to launch Docedex
  6. Docedex should launch

If you have any further issues, please raise an issue on our GitHub page. We will attend to you as soon as we can.

Checking Java version

Q: How can I check my Java version?
A: Open a command prompt and type java -version. If you do not have Java installed, you can download it here.

For Mac Users you may wish to follow the instructions listed here

Loading Data from another computer

Q: How can I load data from another computer into Docedex installed on another computer?
A: Delete the docedex.json file (stored at [JAR file location]/data/docedex.json) from the computer that you wish to use Docedex on. Then, copy over the docedex.json file from the computer which you no longer wish to use Docedex on. After which, boot up Docedex to check whether your doctor information is properly loaded into the new computer.

Using Docedex

Q: I entered a command and my doctor/patient list was cleared. What happened?
A: Refer to the subsection titled Selecting doctors or patients through commands for an explanation of why this occurs.

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